100. see eye to eye 의견이 일치하다(agree)
101. get through with ~을 끝내다(finish)
102. adapt oneself to 자신을 ~에 적응시키다
103. for the life of 사람 결코, 무슨 일이 있어도(for the world)
104. on one's knee 치욕적인, 굴욕적인(humiliatingly)
105. teem with ~이 풍부하다(abound in, be rife with)
106. to one's heart's content 진심으로(cordially); 마음껏
107. by the way 그런데(화제 전환시에 사용)
108. call off 취소하다(cancel)
109. pull one's leg 남을 놀리다, 희롱하다
110. in one's shoes 남의 입장이 되어
111. close call 위기일발(narrow escape)
112. do one's hair 머리를 손질하다
113. make good 성공하다(succeed)
114. pass up 거절하다(reject, turn down)
115. at odds ~와 사이가 나쁜, ~와 다투는, ~와 조화를 이루지 못하는
116. be lost in ~에 몰두하다(be absorbed in)
117. keep up 계속 유지하다(preserve)
118. make a fool of ~을 놀리다, 조롱하다(make fun of, deride, scorn)
119. take part in ~에 참석하다
120. pass for ~으로 통하다
121. read between the lines 행간을 읽다, 숨은 의미를 찾다
122. live from hand to mouth 그 날 벌어 그 날 먹고살다
123. subscribe for (잡지․신문을) 구독하다
124. wait on ~을 시중들다(attend on, serve)
125. dwell on ~을 심사숙고하다 (ponder, think over)
126. look down on ~을 경멸하다(despise)
127. ten to one 십중팔구(probably, nine out of ten)
128. lose face 창피를 당하다(be humiliated)
129. stand for ~을 나타내다(represent)
130. take to one's heels 도망가다, 달아나다(run away)
131. You're got a point there. 너의 말이 옳다
132. not a little 적지 않은, 많은(much)
133. not a bit 조금도 ~않은(not~at all, anything but)
134. get over 극복하다(overcome, surmount)
135. take into account ~을 고려하다(consider, allow for)
136. break off 끼어 들다, 방해하다
137. make believe ~인 체하다(pretend, feign, put on)
138. in token of ~의 표시로(as a sign of)
139. by dint of ~에 의해서(by means of)
140. lose one's heart 낙담하다, 실망하다
141. stand by 지지하다(support, back up, uphold)
142. feel at home 편안함을 느끼다
143. fall back on ~ 에 의존하다 (count on, depend on)
144. by leaps and bounds 매우 빠르게(very rapidly)
145. in full accord 만장일치의(unanimous)
146. for nothing 무료로(free, without payment); 아무 이유없이 (without reason)
147. be engrossed in ~에 몰두하다(be immersed in)
148. be at a loss 당황하다(be perplexed, be at one's wit's end)
149. at the mercy of ~에 좌우되어(under the control of)
150. pay off 잘 되어가다, 소기의 성과가 나다; (빛을) 갚다
151. look over 조사하다(look into, investigate); 눈감아 주다(overlook)
152. be on good terms with ~와 사이가 좋다
153. of one's own accord 자발적으로(willingly)
154. hold over 연기하다(defer, put off, delay, postpone)
155. bring up 키우다, 양육하다(rear, raise)
156. call down 꾸짖다(scold, chide, reproach)
157. not a bit 결코 ~이 아닌(never, on no account, by no means, far from, anything but)
158. drop a line 편지를 쓰다, 소식을 보내다
159. put ~ though (전화를)연결시키다(connect)
160. round up 체포하다(arrest, apprehend); (가축 등을)모으다(gather)
161. out of the question 불가능한(impossible)
162. all thumbs 서투른(clumsy, awkward)
163. lose one's temper 화를 내다(become angry)
164. swarm with ~ 으로 가득차다(be full of, be rich in, abound in, teem with)
165. in the face of ~에도 불구하고( despite, with all, not withstanding)
166. brush up on ~을 복습하다, ~의 기억을 새로이 하다
167. to put it simply 간단히 표현하자면
168. little short of 거의 ~인, ~에 가까운(almost, nearly)
169. look up to ~를 존경하다(respect, revere)
170. such as it is 변변치 않지만(poor though it is)
171. cut back on 삭감하다, 줄이다(reduce, curtail)
172. how come (구어체) 왜(why)
173. go without ~없이 지내다(do without, dispense with)
174. wind up ~을 끝마치다(finish)
175. give off (냄새 따위를) 발산하다(emit)
176. take turns 교대하다(alternate)
177. ill at easy 불편한( uncomfortable)
178. with a grain of salt 에누리해서, 액면 그대로 받아들이지 않는
179. you're got a point there. 너의 말이 옳다.
180. run over (차가) ~을 치다; 복습하다
181. break in 침입하다; 말참견하다; 길들이다(tame)
182. keep up with (시대의 추세 등에) 뒤지지 않다
183. hang up 전화를 끊다
184. deal in 거래하다(trade, buy and sell)
185, to one's taste 입맛에 맞는
186. by all means 반드시, 기어이
187. pull a long face 침울한 얼굴을 하다(make a gloomy expression)
188. quite a few 많은(a lot of, not a few, many)
189. come to terms 화해하다(make peace, reconcile)
190. walk out on ~에서 떠나다; ~을 버리다(desert, abandon)
191. make off with ~을 훔치다( steal)
192. take up ~을 시작하다(begin, start, commence)
193. off limits 출입이 금지된
194. on behalf of ~을 대신하여
195. take A for B A를 B로 잘못 알다
196. hot air 허풍(exaggerated talk), 실속 없는 이야기
197. break the ice 서먹서먹한 침묵을 깨다
198. make up one's mind 결심하다(determine)
199. put one's nose into ~에 간섭하다(interfere in)
200. in no time 곧, 머지않아 (soon, before long)